
Friday, November 2, 2012

What's going on in my world

If you're a doula, do you compensate/get compensated for being back-up on call? A while back I agreed to be back up for another doula and she paid me a small amount just for being on call, even though she attended the birth herself. In the past my back up arrangements have just been a pay-if-you-go type thing. I think everyone has a different system for this, and I'm just curious! Please share :)

I recently attended a birth where we labored at home until the mom felt an urge to push. We made our way downstairs, into the car, and all the way to the hospital and mom was doing great. We entered through the emergency room entrance, which is always how I've entered with clients at this particular hospital. When we entered, the woman at the desk asked "how far apart are her contractions? does she feel like she has to push?" So I calmly replied, "her contractions are about 2 minutes apart, and she is feeling a little bit like pushing." For some reason the emergency room (guy? tech? nurse? doc? I don't really know) decided that this meant she was about to have her baby, and wheeled the mom in her wheelchair over to an empty room and put on a face mask and gloves. I thought perhaps they were just going to check her dilation down there and then we'd go up to labor and delivery, but I realized that he had thought the baby was coming NOW. He turns to the mom as she's standing up from her wheelchair and says "do you feel like pushing?!" and she calmly says, "every now and then I feel the urge to push with a contraction, but not every one." And he's like "oh." And everybody stands down, and we are handed over to someone and taken to L&D. haha. I found it highly amusing. Have you ever had this happen before?

I've been analyzing my thesis research data lately and I keep thinking of one mom who described breastfeeding as "animalistic." Interestingly, exactly 1/3 of the women I interviewed had a cesarean section birth (the exact same as the entire United States).

If you're a spanish-speaker, what word is most often used for "breast pump"? sacaleches? bomba? pompa? I say pompa because I've heard it used, but when I actually look it up I get the first two.

A month ago I received a phone call inquiring about my doula services. The woman started the phone call out with "is this... the doula?" Apparently she forgot my name as the phone was ringing. But it didn't seem she paid much attention to my website anyway, since she apparently had no idea what a doula is or does. She proceeded to ask me whether I go with her to all of her doctor's visits with her throughout her pregnancy, and if I do ultrasounds. I sure hope she figures it out sooner rather than later. I haven't heard back from her!


  1. I am currently with a backup group and we all share backup responsibilities, so no one is paying anyone else for call. I have heard of other people paying a small (say $50) amount for call, which also seems fair in certain situations.

    For the pump, phew. I have heard bomba, pompa, sacaleches, and this week a mother said to me "me voy a ordeƱar" for "I'm going to pump". I have had one person react to "bomba" as "WHAT? a BOMB?" and other people easily refer to it as a "bomba". I just kind of interchange everything depending on what the person I'm talking to uses, but most often I use "pompa" since it is a convenient cognate and enough people use it that it seems plausible.


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